Saturday 16 June 2012

Cheese & Onion Crisps!

Have you ever had a day when everything has been going really well? You’re in the zone, nothing phases you, you can’t seem to do any wrong - you're on top of the world! 

It probably doesn’t happen as often as you’d like but think about the last time you had a day like that:
  • How did you feel?
  • How easy was it to get results?
  • How did people experience you, did you have time for them?
  • When faced with a problem how did you respond? 
Were your responses something like: 
  • Fantastic, full of energy, happy, full of enthusiasm
  • Relatively simple, things just worked
  • Approachable, helpful, interested in them. Made time for people.
  • Saw it as a challenge, dealt with it

Okay but we all know that more often than not our days are the opposite of that; we feel fed-up, irritated, stressed; Trying to get anything done is a chore; People find you short, you have no time for them and every little thing seems like a problem just waiting to trip you up!

Now ask yourself which one would you rather feel! 

So why isn’t our week filled with wall to wall days “in the zone”?

I love cheese & onion crisps (random I grant you but bear with me I’m going somewhere with this!). However, I rarely have them as I’m into healthy eating. Every now and then though, I fancy a packet and thus keep a small supply in the kitchen for when the urge takes me. So I come down stairs with a yearning for my blue bag of crisps and low and behold when I get to the cupboard all I find is prawn cocktail or ready salted – neither of which I like or want! So the guilty culprit, my stepson, has eaten my supply leaving the other flavours until last.

Scenario 1: I begin the rant, lots of swearing and threats concerning stepson and sharp objects. Commit to keeping my stash hidden or locked away.

Scenario 2: I view this as a sign from a greater being that crisps are bad and I should stick to my healthy eating. One more small step to achieving that Adonis-like body!

What’s the difference between the above two options? 

Well one option leaves me feeling bad and one leaves me feeling good – simples! So what?
Well we’ve already established that if I’m feeling good I get better results, easier and am able to tackle problems more positively. If I’m not feeling good then there is the potential for my day to spiral downwards. So surely it makes sense to look on the bright side, to choose a more positive attitude towards the situation.

The fantastic thing about this is that we have control over our Attitude, we have the Choice over how we respond to things which means that ultimately the type of day we have is within OUR control.

You can Choose to bring a moody Attitude to work and have a depressing day.
You can Choose to bring a grouchy Attitude to work and irritate your work colleagues.
You can Choose to bring a happy, cheerful, playful Attitude to work and have a GREAT day.

Ultimately it is your Choice.

There is a great book that I'm sure many of you have read but if not give it a try. It's called FISH and is a short, easy read with some simple yet powerful messages on making your working environment a happier, healthier place to work. after all we spend so much of our time at work, wouldn't it be nice if we enjoyed ourselves more!

Finally a great littel clip to help you set yourself up for the day ahead:

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