Thursday 9 February 2012

Don't worry be happy

Did you know Saturday 11th February is World Happy Day?
If you are in Newcastle then you can watch the film "Happy" which is been screened at the Life Centre:  Happy North East

So how happy are you?
When you're in a happier mood your quality of thinking is better which means you're more likely to make better decisions, have positive interactions with people and deal with challenges in a calm and sensible manner. So you can use your mood as a great indicator for the quality of your thoughts, if you ain't happy then be careful about making any important decisions.

But I'm not happy every moment of every day. That's what we call life, just when everything is going great it throws a fresh challenge at you to see how you cope.

When you feel your spirits falling then take time out and put things into perspective. You have your health, family, friends, a job, the sun is shining, you've a holiday coming up etc etc. So where in the grand scheme of things does this issue really fit. By putting it into perspective you acknowledge it but only give it the level of attention it deserves rather than making it the focal point of your whole life.

Have you ever noticed how happy people tend to get the breaks or seem to be lucky. No matter what happens to them they seem able to cope. I'm not saying walking round with a permanent smile is the answer but keeping things in perspective and being grateful for things will help keep you happy and ensure your stress levels remain low. After all we live in a stressful world and stress is having a significant impact on peoples health, make sure it's not you.

Here's some food for thought. Below is the top 5 list of regrets made by people who know they are dying:

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself
  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
  3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings
  4. I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends
  5. I wish I’d let myself be happier

Finally a little something to start the process and make you smile...........

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